Be real with me - are you making your Bitmoji hotter than you actually are?

Have you ever received a Bitmoji so egregious you simply had to pause?

You’ll be texting your friend who’s just a normal human person, and then they send over a Bitmoji of “themself” but it looks like it’s a Bitmoji of Tom Cruise and you’re left sitting there going what just happened.

Why did they send me a cartoon photo of Jason Momoa? you find yourself thinking. Then you realize it’s a Bitmoji and this person created an avatar of themself that looks like the hottest cartoon to walk the planet.

They grossly overestimated their attractiveness and now it’s sitting in your text thread - haunting you.

But hey, I’m not here to judge! That’s certainly not what FluentlyForward is about. I’ve had my own fair share of making my avatars hotter than they should be.

Back when I played The Sims aggressively in high school I would make “myself” on The Sims. The Sim usually turned out looking like an exact replica of Dianna Agron and I would nod at the computer screen, satisfied with my work. Then eventually a friend would come over to my house to play The Sims and break the honest news to me that my Sim was way hotter than I was in real life.

For reference, this is Dianna Agron, and this is me when my wisdom teeth were removed.

My friend’s brutal honesty hurt me at the time - but it was a lesson that had to happen!!!

In fact, I might have swung too far in the opposite direction because when I crafted my Bitmoji I said to myself Botox probably doesn’t exist in Bitmoji world and I gave myself all of the wrinkle options that existed in an effort to keep it real.

So I want you to take a moment and reflect (FluentlyForward going meditative…maybe this is a new direction).

Take a few deep breaths, let your mind relax, feel your shoulders drop…and answer this for me: are you making your Bitmoji hotter than you are in real life?


Look at your Bitmoji. Look at the mirror. Who would you rather doink? Be honest!!!

I think if we all level with ourselves, we can be the first ever generation to create realistic Bitmoji’s of ourselves. This will inspire future generations to make their Bitmoji’s realistically attractive, and before you know it - boom, world peace for everyone. It’s a step in the right direction!!!

If you’re brave enough, let me know in the comments if you have fallen prey to making your Bitmoji hotter than you actually are. This is a safe space - no judgement will be cast on you either way!

Until the next one,